Home » Verbal Ability | Antonyms 1

Verbal Ability | Antonyms 1

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1) Choose one of the following options that means the opposite of the given word; Copious:

  1. Reverse
  2. Scarce
  3. Abundant
  4. Short

Answer: B


Copious means abundance or plentiful, so its antonym is scarce.

2) Artificial

  1. Natural
  2. Fictitious
  3. Original
  4. Liquid

Answer: A


Artificial is man-made, so its antonym is natural, e.g., an artificial lake and a natural lake.

3) Enormous

  1. Hard
  2. Soft
  3. Hot
  4. Tiny

Answer: D


Enormous refers to huge, vast, massive or giant, so its antonym is tiny.

4) Relinquish

  1. Strong
  2. Powerful
  3. Renounce
  4. Posses

Answer: D


Relinquish means surrender, abandon, etc., so its antonym is posses.

5) Extend

  1. Condense
  2. Expand
  3. Congestion
  4. Convert

Answer: A


Extend means expand, enlarge, etc. So its antonym is ‘condense,’ which means compress, squeeze, etc.

Antonyms 2
Antonyms 3
Antonyms 4
Antonyms 5
Antonyms 6
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