Home » Apache Ant Zip Task

Apache Ant Zip Task

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Apache Ant Zip Task

Ant Zip task is used to create zip file. basedir attribute is used to refer source of files from where zip file is created. We can use exclude attribute to exclude the file from being zipped.

It makes a implicit fileset and supports various nested elements including <fileset>, <include>, <exclude> and <patternset>.

Apache Ant Zip Task Attributes

Attribute Description Required
destfile Name of zip file to be created. Yes
basedir the directory from which to zip the files. No
compress Store and compress data as well. No
encoding The character encoding to use for filenames inside the zip file. No
filesonly It is used to store files entries only. No
includes A list of file to be include. No
excludes A list of files that must be excluded. No
update Update the destination file if it is already exists. No
whenempty behavior when no files match. Valid values are fail, skip, and create. No
duplicate behavior when a duplicate file is found. No
comment Comment to store in the archive. No
level Non-default level at which file compression should be performed. No
fallbacktoUTF8 Whether to use UTF-8 and the language encoding flag instead of the specified encoding. No
zip64Mode When to use Zip64 extensions for entries. No

Let’s see some examples to create a zipfile.

Apache Ant Zip Task Example

Create a zip file manual.zip by collecting all the files from tutoraspir/java directory.

If zip file exist, it update zip file.

We can exclude file by specifying names of files using excludes attribute.


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