Home » C Math Functions

C Math

C Programming allows us to perform mathematical operations through the functions defined in <math.h> header file. The <math.h> header file contains various methods for performing mathematical operations such as sqrt(), pow(), ceil(), floor() etc.

C Math Functions

There are various methods in math.h header file. The commonly used functions of math.h header file are given below.

No. Function Description
1) ceil(number) rounds up the given number. It returns the integer value which is greater than or equal to given number.
2) floor(number) rounds down the given number. It returns the integer value which is less than or equal to given number.
3) sqrt(number) returns the square root of given number.
4) pow(base, exponent) returns the power of given number.
5) abs(number) returns the absolute value of given number.

C Math Example

Let’s see a simple example of math functions found in math.h header file.


4.000000 4.000000 3.000000 3.000000 4.000000 2.645751 16.000000 27.000000 12 

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