Home » C# Sealed

C# Sealed

C# sealed keyword applies restrictions on the class and method. If you create a sealed class, it cannot be derived. If you create a sealed method, it cannot be overridden.

Note: Structs are implicitly sealed therefore they can’t be inherited.

C# Sealed class

C# sealed class cannot be derived by any class. Let’s see an example of sealed class in C#.


Compile Time Error: 'Dog': cannot derive from sealed type 'Animal' 

C# Sealed method

The sealed method in C# cannot be overridden further. It must be used with override keyword in method.

Let’s see an example of sealed method in C#.


Compile Time Error: 'BabyDog.run()': cannot override inherited member 'Dog.run()' because it is sealed 

Note: Local variables can’t be sealed.


Compile Time Error: Invalid expression term 'sealed' 
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