Home » Convert Pandas DataFrame to Numpy array

Convert Pandas DataFrame to Numpy array

by Online Tutorials Library

Convert Pandas DataFrame to Numpy array

For performing some high-level mathematical functions, we can convert Pandas DataFrame to numpy arrays. It uses the DataFrame.to_numpy() function.

The DataFrame.to_numpy() function is applied on the DataFrame that returns the numpy ndarray.



  • dtype: It is an optional parameter that pass the dtype to numpy.asarray().
  • copy: It returns the boolean value that has the default value False.

It ensures that the returned value is not a view on another array.


It returns the numpy.ndarray as an output.



array([[2, 4.0, Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00')],         [3, 5.8, Timestamp('2000-01-02 00:00:00')]], dtype=object)  



DataFrame  ----------     x    y   z  0  17  62  35  1  25  36  54  2  42  20  15  3  48  62  76    Numpy Array  ----------   [[17 62 35]   [25 36 54]   [42 20 15]   [48 62 76]]  

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