Home » C++ algorithm swap_ranges() function

C++ algorithm swap_ranges() function

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C++ Algorithm swap_ranges()

C++ Algorithm swap_ranges() exchanges the elements in the range [first1, last2) with the elements present in the range starting from first2.

In short we can say that, swap_ranges() swaps the elements of two sequence, that is each element at a position in the first sequence is replaced by the element at the same position in the second sequence and vice-versa is also possible.



first1: A forward iterator pointing to the first position of the first range whose elements is to be swapped.

last1: A forward iterator pointing to one past the final position of the first range whose elements are to be swapped.

first2: A forward iterator pointing to the first position of the second range whose elements is to be swapped.

Return value

swap_ranges() returns an iterator pointing to the end of the second range whose elements are to be exchanged.

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