Home » CSS Flex justify-content

CSS Flex justify-content

by Online Tutorials Library

Flexbox Justify-Content

The CSS3 justify-content property is used to define the alignment along the main axis. It is a sub-property of CSS3 Flexbox layout module.

It sets the Flexbox container’s item horizontally when the items don?t use all the available space on the main axis.

Its possible values are:

  • flex-start:It is the default value. It sets the items at the beginning of the container
  • flex-end:It sets the items at the end of the container.
  • Center:It sets the items at the center of the container.
  • space-between:It sets the items with space between the lines.
  • space-around:It sets the items with space before, between, and after the lines.

Let’s take some example.

See this example:

Example1: (Use of Flex-end value)

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Example2: (Use of Center value)

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Exmple3: (Use of space-between value)

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Example4: (Use of space-around value)

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