Home » Framework7 Progress Bar

Framework7 Progress Bar

by Online Tutorials Library

Framework7 Progress Bar

In Framework7, the progress bar is used to show loading of assets or progress of a task to the users.

The “progressbar” class is used to specify the progress bar. “progressbar-infinite” class is used when you want to specify that user does not know how long the loading process will be there for the request.

Progressbar JavaScript API

The progressbar is used with JavaScript API to specify show, hide and progress properties by using the following methods:

myApp.setProgressbar (container , progress, speed):

It is used to set the progress bar for the progress of a task.

Parameter Explanation:

container: It is a string or HTML element that defines the container of progress bar element.

progress: It represents in integer format and defines the progress of a task.

speed: It represents in integer format and specifies the duration of the progress of a task.

myApp.hideProgressbar (contain er):

It is used to hide the progress bar.

Parameter Explanation:

container: It is a string or HTML element that defines the container of progress bar element.

myApp.showProgressbar (contai ner, progress, color):

It is used to display the progress bar.

Parameter Explanation:

container: It is a string or HTML element that defines the container of progress bar element.

progress: It represents in integer format and defines the progress of a task.

speed: It represents in integer format and specifies the duration of the progress of a task.


Let’s take an example to display an animated determinate and indeterminate progress bars to indicate activity in Framework7:

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