Home » Java StringBuffer deleteCharAt() Method with Examples

Java StringBuffer deleteCharAt() Method with Examples

by Online Tutorials Library

Java StringBuffer deleteCharAt(int index) method

The deleteCharAt(int index) method of Java StringBuffer class is used to delete the character at a specified position of this sequence. After deleting a character, the current sequence shortened by one character.



DataType Parameter Description
int index The index is location of character which is to delete.


This deleteCharAt(int index) method returns this object.


StringIndexOutOfBoundsException – if the index is negative or greater than or equal to length() of string buffer.

Compatibility Version:

Java 1.2 and above

Example 1

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string1: TutorAspire After deleting: javapoint  string2: hello java  After deleting: hellojava  

Example 2

This deleteCharAt(int) method throw the exception while providing the negative index value.

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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1  at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.deleteCharAt(Unknown Source)  at java.lang.StringBuffer.deleteCharAt(Unknown Source)  at StringBufferDeleteCharAtExample2.main(StringBufferDeleteCharAtExample2.java:6)  string1 = TutorAspire 

Example 3

Deleting the character at the index value of Character.charCount(thisSequence.codePointAt(index)) method.

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string: TutorAspire codepoint at 0: 106  total character at codepoint 106 : 1  after deleting at index 1: jvatpoint  

Example 4

In this example, we are taking the input string and index of character from a user.


enter your string value: hello string  enter index: 3  after deleting resultant string: helo string  

Next TopicStringBuffer class

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