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JFreeChart Architecture

by Online Tutorials Library

JFreeChart Architecture

JFreeChart’s library contains two levels of architecture to define the interaction between its various classes.

1) Class Level Architecture:

The basic Class Level Architecture represents how various classes present in JFreeChart library interact with each other to yield various types of charts.

Class Level Architecture

  • The File represents the user input used for creating a dataset in the file.
  • The Database represents the source having user input used for creating a dataset in the database.
  • The Create Dataset represents the dataset which is being created and stored into the object.
  • The General Dataset is a type of dataset which is used to create pie charts.
  • The Category Dataset is a type of dataset which is widely used for bar chart, line chart etc.
  • The Series Dataset is a type of dataset which is used for storing series of data and construct line charts.
  • The Series Collection Dataset represents the various categories of series datasets that are added to Series Collection Dataset. This type of dataset is used for XYLine Charts.
  • The Create Chart is the method which is executed to create final chart.
  • The Frame/Image represents that the chart is displayed on a Swing Frame or an image is created.

2) Application Level Architecture:

The Application Level Architecture shows the location of JFreeChart library in a java application.

Application Level Architecture

  • User data is received by the client program.
  • Standard Java and JFreeChart APIs are used to generate the output in the form of either a frame, which can be displayed directly inside the application or independently in the image formats such as JPEG or PNG.

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