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PHP CouchDB Example

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Php CouchDB Connectivity

In this tutorial, we are explaining an example of php CouchDb connectivity. Php provides easy way to connect. We just need to execute a Php script given below.

CouchDB by default executes on the 5984 port.

1) Creating a Php file

// index.php

2) Access CouchDB

We can use http://localhost:5984/_utilsto see available databases.

CouchDB Php couchdb connectivity 1

3) Execute Php Script

Now execute the Php file at your localhost server. After that access CouchDB again.

CouchDB Php couchdb connectivity 2

See, our script has created a database tutoraspire. It also contains a document with values.

CouchDB Php couchdb connectivity 3

Document is referred as ID 24. We can see the values stored in the document by clicking on that. Values are showing like this:

CouchDB Php couchdb connectivity 4

4) Fetching Data

CouchDB Php couchdb connectivity 5

Next TopicPython CouchDB

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