Home » PHP fprint() function

PHP fprint() function

by Online Tutorials Library

PHP fprint() Function

PHP fprint() function is used to write a formatted string to a stream. In another words we can say that this function format string to a specified output stream( file or database).


Parameter Description Required/Optional
stream Specify string where to write /output the string Required
Format Specify the string. Required
arg1 Specify the argument to be inserted at first. required
arg2 Specify the argument to be inserted at second. Optional
arg++ Specify the argument to be inserted at third, fourth etc. Optional

Example 1



Example 2


%b = 111010110111100110100010101   %c = 2   %d = 123456789   %d = -123456789   %e = 1.234568e+8   %E = 1.234568E+8   

Example 3


%u = 123456789   %u = 4171510507   %f = 123456789.000000   %F = 123456789.000000   %g = 1.23457e+8   %G = 1.23457E+8   %o = 726746425   

Example 4


%s = 123456789   %x = 75bcd15   %X = 75BCD15   %+d = +123456789   %+d = -123456789   

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