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Primefaces Inplace

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PrimeFaces Inplace

It is an input text box which provides easy editing of value at browser. It consists of two members, display element is the initial clickable label and inline element is the hidden content that is displayed when display element is toggled.

PrimeFaces provides <p:inplace> component which is used to create inplace in the JSF application. It has various attributes that are tabled below.

Inplace Attributes

Attribute Default value Type Description
label null String It is used to set label to be shown in display mode.
emptyLabel null String It is used to set label to be shown in display mode when value is empty.
effect fade String It is used to set effect to be used when toggling.
effectSpeed normal String It is a speed of the effect.
disabled false Boolean It prevents hidden content to be shown.
style null String It is used to set inline style of the main container element.
editor false Boolean It specifies the editor mode.
saveLabel Save String It is used to set tooltip text of save button in editor mode.
cancelLabel Cancel String It is used to set tooltip text of cancel button in editor mode.
event click String It is used to set name of the client side event to display inline content.
toggleable true Boolean It defines if inplace is toggleable or not.


Here, in the following example, we are implementing <p:inplace> component. This example contains the following files.

JSF File

// inplace.xhtml


PrimeFaces Inplace 1
PrimeFaces Inplace 2

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