Home » Ruby Operators

Ruby Operators

Ruby has a built-in modern set of operators. Operators are a symbol which is used to perform different operations. For example, +, -, /, *, etc.

Types of operators:

  • Unary operator
  • Airthmetic operator
  • Bitwise operator
  • Logical operator
  • Ternary operator
  • Assignment operator
  • Comparison operator
  • Range operator

Unary Operator

Unary operators expect a single operand to run on.

Operator Description
! Boolean NOT
~ Bitwise complement
+ Unary plus


In file hello.rb, write the following code.


Ruby operators 1

Airthmetic Operator

Airthmetic operators take numerical values as operands and return them in a single value.

Operator Description
+ Adds values from both sides of the operator.
Subtract values from both sides of the operator.
/ Divide left side operand with right side operand.
* Multiply values from both sides of the operator.
** Right side operand becomes the exponent of left side operand.
% Divide left side operand with right side operand returning remainder.


In file hello.rb, write the following code.


Ruby operators 2

Bitwise Operator

Bitwise operators work on bits operands.

Operator Description
& AND operator
| OR operator
<< Left shift operator
>> Right shift operator
^ XOR operator
~ Complement operator

Logical Operator

Logical operators work on bits operands.

Operator Description
&& AND operator
|| OR operator

Ternary Operator

Ternary operators first check whether given conditions are true or false, then execute the condition.

Operator Description
?: Conditional expression


In file hello.rb, write the following code.


Ruby operators 3

Assignment Operator

Assignment operator assign a value to the operands.

Operator Description
= Simple assignment operator
+= Add assignment operator
-= subtract assignment operator
*= Multiply assignment operator
/= Divide assignment operator
%= Modulus assignment operator
**= Exponential assignment operator

Comparison Operator

Comparison operators compare two operands.

Operator Description
== Equal operator
!= Not equal operator
> left operand is greater than right operand
< Right operand is greater than left operand
>= Left operand is greater than or equal to right operand
<= Right operand is greater than or equal to left operand
<=> Combined comparison operator
.eql? Checks for equality and type of the operands
equal? Checks for the object ID


In file hello.rb, write the following code.


Ruby operators 4

Range Operator

Range operators create a range of successive values consisting of a start, end and range of values in between.

The (..) creates a range including the last term and (…) creates a range excluding the last term.

For example, for the range of 1..5, output will range from 1 to 5.

and for the range of 1…5, output will range from 1 to 4.

Operator Description
.. Range is inclusive of the last term
Range is exclusive of the last term

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