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RxJS debounceTime() Filtering Operator

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RxJS debounceTime() Filtering Operator

RxJS debounceTime() operator is a filtering operator that emits a value from the source Observable only after completing a particular period without another source emission.

The RxJS debounceTime() operator is similar to the RxJS delay() operator but passes only the most recent value from each burst of emissions. This operator discards the emitted values, so it takes less than the specified time between outputs. This operator is mostly used in type-ahead scenarios, where you have to control the user input rate.

The RxJS debounceTime() operator delays values emitted by the source Observable, but if it gets a new arrival on the source Observable, it drops previous pending delayed emissions. This RxJS debounce() operator is also used to track the most recent value from the source Observable and emits that only when dueTime enough time has passed without any other value appearing on the source Observable.


Following is the syntax of the debounceTime() operator:


Parameter Explanation

  • dueTime: The dueTime argument specifies the timeout duration in milliseconds (or the time unit determined internally by the optional scheduler) for the window of time required to wait for emission silence before emitting the most current source value.
  • scheduler: The scheduler argument specifies the SchedulerLike used to manage the timers that handle the timeout for each value. This is an optional argument. Its default value is async.

Return value

The debounceTime() operator’s return value is observable that delays the emissions of the source Observable by the specified dueTime. It can also drop some values if it finds them frequently.

Let us see an example of debounceTime() operator to understand it clearly.

Example (Debouncing according to time between inputs)


After executing the above example, you will see the following result as an array:

RxJS debounceTime() Filtering Operator

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