Home » RxJS Min() Mathematical Operator

RxJS Min() Mathematical Operator

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RxJS Min() Mathematical Operator

The RxJS min() operator is a mathematical operator that takes an observable with all values and returns an observable with the minimum value. It takes in a compare function as an argument, which is optional.


Following is the syntax of the min() operator:

comparer_func: It is used to filter the values to consider only the min value from the source observable. It is optional. If it is not provided, the count() operator will consider the default function.

Return value

The return value of the min() operator is observable that provide the minimum value.

Let us see some examples of min() operator to understand it clearly.

Example 1


After executing the above example, you will see the following result:

RxJS Min() Mathematical Operator

Example 2

Example of the min() operator using the array. See the following example:


After executing the above example, you will see the following result:

RxJS Min() Mathematical Operator

Next TopicRxJS Operators

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