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Scala Array

Array is a collection of mutable values. It is an index based data structure which starts from 0 index to n-1 where n is length of array.

Scala arrays can be generic. It means, you can have an Array[T], where T is a type parameter or abstract type. Scala arrays are compatible with Scala sequences – you can pass an Array[T] where a Seq[T] is required. It also supports all the sequence operations.

Following image represents the structure of array where first index is 0, last index is 9 and array length is 10.

Scala Array 1

Scala Types of array

  1. Single dimensional array
  2. Multidimensional array

Scala Single Dimensional Array

Single dimensional array is used to store elements in linear order. Array elements are stored in contiguous memory space. So, if you have any index of an array, you can easily traverse all the elements of the array.

Syntax for Single Dimensional Array

Scala Array Example: Single Dimensional


1  2  3  4  5  Third Element  = 3  

Scala Example 2: Single Dimensional

In this example, we have created an array by using new keyword which is used to initialize memory for array. The entire array elements are set to default value, you can assign that later in your code.


0  0  0  0  0  Third Element before assignment = 0  Third Element after assignment = 10  

Scala Passing Array into Function

You can pass array as an argument to function during function call. Following example illustrate the process how we can pass an array to the function.


1  2  3  4  5  6  Third Element = 3  

Scala Array Example: Iterating By using Foreach Loop

You can also iterate array elements by using foreach loop. Let’s see an example.


1  2  3  4  5  

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