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SQL to MongoDB Mapping

by Online Tutorials Library

SQL to MongoDB Mapping

The table below presents the various SQL terminology and concepts, which are similar to MongoDB terminology and concepts.

SQL Terms MongoDB Terms
database Database
table Collection
row document or BSON document
column field
index index
table joins $lookup, embedded document
primary key primary key
In SQL, we can specify any unique column or column combination as the primary key. In MongoDB, we don’t need to set the primary key. The _id field is automatically set to the primary key.
aggregation aggregation pipeline
transactions transactions

Examples below represent various SQL statements and similar MongoDB statements.

The examples in the table assume the following conditions:

  • The SQL example assumes a table name tutoraspire
  • The MongoDB examples assume a collection named tutoraspire that contain documents of the following prototype:

Create and Alter commands

SQL statements MongoDB statements
CREATE TABLE tutoraspire (      id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL          AUTO_INCREMENT,      user_id Varchar(20),      age Number,      status char(1),      PRIMARY KEY (id)  )
db.createCollection ( " tutoraspire " )
ALTER TABLE tutoraspire ADD join_date DATETIME
db.tutoraspire.updateMany(      { },      { $set: { join_date: new Date() } }  )
ALTER TABLE tutoraspire DROP COLUMN join_date
db.tutoraspire.updateMany(      { },      { $unset: { "join_date": "" } }  )
CREATE INDEX idx_user_id_asc ON tutoraspire ( user_id )
db.people.createIndex ( { user_id: 1 } )
CREATE INDEX idx_user_id_asc ON people (user_id)
db.people.createIndex( { user_id: 123, age: 1} )
db.people.drop ()

MongoDB and SQL Insert Statement

SQL Insert statement MongoDB insert statement
INSERT INTO tutoraspire (user_id,                    age,                    status)  VALUES ("mongo",          45,          "A")
db.tutoraspire.insertOne(     { user_id: "mongo", age: 18, status: "A" }  )

SQL and Mongo DB Select Command

SQL SELECT Statement MongoDB find() Statement
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire
SELECT id, user_id, status FROM tutoraspire
db.tutoraspire.find( { }, { user_id: 1, status: 1 } )
SELECT user_id, status FROM tutoraspire
db.tutoraspire.find( { }, { user_id: 1, status: 1, _id: 0 } )
SELECT * FROM tutoraspire WHERE status = "B"
db.tutoraspire.find( { status: "A" } )
SELECT user_id, status FROM tutoraspire WHERE status = "A"
db.tutoraspire.find( { status: "A" }, { user_id: 1, status: 1, _id: 0 } )
SELECT * FROM tutoraspire WHERE status != "A"
db.tutoraspire.find( { status: { $ne: "A" } } )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE status = "A"  AND age = 50
db.tutoraspire.find(      { status: "A",        age: 50 }  )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE status = "A"  OR age = 50
db.tutoraspire.find(      { $or: [ { status: "A" } , { age: 50 } ] }  )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE age > 25
db.tutoraspire.find(      { age: { $gt: 25 } }  )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE age < 25
Db.tutoraspire.find(     { age: { $lt: 25 } }  )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE age > 25  AND   age <= 50
db.tutoraspire.find(     { age: { $gt: 25, $lte: 50 } }  )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE user_id like "%bc%"
db.tutoraspire.find( { user_id: /bc/ } )  -or-    db.tutoraspire.find( { user_id: { $regex: /bc/ } } )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE user_id like "bc%"
db.tutoraspire.find( { user_id: /^bc/ } )  -or-    db.tutoraspire.find( { user_id: { $regex: /^bc/ } } )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE status = "A"  ORDER BY user_id ASC
db. tutoraspire. find( { status: "A" } ). sort( { user_id: 1 } )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE status = "A"  ORDER BY user_id ASC
db. tutoraspire. find( { status: "A" } ). sort( { user_id: 1 } )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE status = "A"  ORDER BY user_id ASC
db. tutoraspire. find( { status: "A" } ). sort( { user_id: 1 } )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE status = "A"  ORDER BY user_id DESC
db. tutoraspire. find( { status: "A" } ). sort( { user_id: -1 } )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE status = "A"  ORDER BY user_id DESC
db. tutoraspire. find( { status: "A" } ). sort( { user_id: -1 } )
SELECT COUNT(*)  FROM tutoraspire
db. tutoraspire. count()  or    db. tutoraspire. find(). count()
SELECT COUNT(user_id)  FROM tutoraspire  
db. tutoraspire.count( { user_id: { $exists: true } } )  or    db. tutoraspire.find( { user_id: { $exists: true } } ).count()
SELECT COUNT(*)  FROM tutoraspire  WHERE age > 30
db. tutoraspire.count( { age: { $gt: 30 } } )  or    db. tutoraspire.find( { age: { $gt: 30 } } ).count()
SELECT DISTINCT(status)  FROM tutoraspire
db. tutoraspire.aggregate( [ { $group : { _id : "$status" } } ] )  or, for distinct value sets that do not exceed the BSON size limit    db. tutoraspire.distinct( "status" )
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  LIMIT 1
db. tutoraspire.findOne()  or    db. tutoraspire.find(). limit(1)
SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire  LIMIT 5  SKIP 10
db. tutoraspire.find(). limit(5). skip(10)
EXPLAIN SELECT *  FROM tutoraspire WHERE status = "A"
db. tutoraspire. find( { status: "A" } ). explain()

SQL and MongoDB Update Statements

SQL Update Statements MongoDB updateMany() Statements
UPDATE tutoraspire SET status = "C"  WHERE age > 25
db.tutoraspire.updateMany( { age: { $gt: 25 } }, { $set: { status: "C" } } )
UPDATE tutoraspire SET age = age + 3  WHERE status = "A"
db.tutoraspire.updateMany( { status: "A" } , { $inc: { age: 3 } } )

SQL and MongoDB Delete Statements

SQL Delete Statements MongoDB deleteMany() Statements
DELETE FROM tutoraspire WHERE status = "D"
db.tutoraspire.deleteMany( { status: "D" } )
DELETE FROM tutoraspire
db.tutoraspire.deleteMany( { } )

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