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Teradata Logical and Conditional Operators

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Teradata Logical and Conditional Operators

Teradata supports the following logical and conditional operators. These operators are used to perform comparisons and combine multiple conditions.

Operator Meaning
= Equal to
<> Not Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
> = Greater than or Equal to
< = Less than or Equal to
AND AND operator combines multiple conditions. Evaluates to true only if all the conditions are met.
OR OR operator combines multiple conditions. Evaluates to true if either of the condition is met.
NOT Reverse the meaning of the condition
BETWEEN If the values with range
IN If the values in <expression>
NOT IN If the values not in <expression>
IS NULL If the value is NULL

BETWEEN Operator

BETWEEN operators are used to checking if a value is within a range of values.


Consider the following student table.

RollNo FirstName LastName BirthDate
1001 Mike Richard 1/2/1996
1002 Robert Williams 3/5/1995
1003 Peter Collin 4/1/1994
1004 Alexa Stuart 11/6/1995
1005 Robert Peterson 12/1/1997

The following example fetches records with RollNo in the range between 1001, 1002, and 1003.

When the above query is executed, it returns the student records with RollNo between 1001 and 1003.

RollNo FirstName
1001 Mike
1002 Robert
1003 Peter

IN Operator

IN operator is used to check the value against a given list of values.


The following example fetches records with RollNo in 1001, and 1002.

The above query returns the following records.

RollNo FirstName
1001 Mike
1002 Robert

NOT IN Operator

NOT IN command reverses the result of IN command. It fetches records with values that don’t match with the given list.


The following example fetches records with employee numbers, not in 1001 and 1002.

The above query returns the following output, such as:

RollNo FirstName LastName
1003 Peter Collin
1004 Alexa Stuart
1005 Robert Peterson

AND Operator

AND operator is used to connecting different LOGICAL operators. All the conditions must be met for a specific row to be qualified.


The following example fetches the student record whose first name is Peter, and the last name is Collin.

Above query returns the following output, such as:

RollNo FirstName LastName BirthDate
1003 Peter Collin 4/1/1994

OR Operator

OR operator is used to connecting between different Logical operators. Only one of the conditions needs to be true for a row to be qualified.


The following example fetches the students whose first name is Robert OR the last name is Peterson.

Above query returns the following output, such as:

RollNo FirstName LastName BirthDate
1002 Robert Williams 3/5/1995
1005 Robert Peterson 12/1/1997

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