Home » How to Install Angular 8 | Angular 8 Environment Setup

How to Install Angular 8 | Angular 8 Environment Setup

by Online Tutorials Library

Angular 8 Installation

(How to install Angular 8 or Angular 8 Environment setup)

Before to setup environment for Angular development using the Angular CLI tool, you must have installed Node.js on your system and set a development environment and npm package manager.

Install Node.js

Angular requires Node.js version 10.9.0 or later. You can download it from https://nodejs.org/en/

Angular 8 Installation

After downloading, you have to install it on your system.

See how to install Node.js on Windows: Click Here

See how to install Node.js on Linux/ Ubuntu/ CentOS: Click Here

Once you have installed Node.js on your system, open node.js command prompt.

Angular 8 Installation

  • To check your version, run node -v in a terminal/console window.

Angular 8 Installation

Use npm to Install Angular CLI

Use the following command to install Angular CLI


Angular 8 Installation


Just go to Angular CLI official website https://cli.angular.io/

You will see the whole cli command to create an Angular app. You need to run the first command to install Angular CLI. These steps are same for Windows and Mac.

Angular 8 Installation

Check your Installed versions

  • To check Node and Angular CLI version, use ng –version command.

Angular 8 Installation

Now, Angular 8 is installed on your system.

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