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Batch Processing in Java JDBC

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Batch Processing in JDBC

Instead of executing a single query, we can execute a batch (group) of queries. It makes the performance fast. It is because when one sends multiple statements of SQL at once to the database, the communication overhead is reduced significantly, as one is not communicating with the database frequently, which in turn results to fast performance.

The java.sql.Statement and java.sql.PreparedStatement interfaces provide methods for batch processing.

Advantage of Batch Processing

Fast Performance

Methods of Statement interface

The required methods for batch processing are given below:

Method Description
void addBatch(String query) The addBatch(String query) method of the CallableStatement, PreparedStatement, and Statement is used to single statements to a batch.
int[] executeBatch() The executeBatch() method begins the execution of all the grouped together statements. The method returns an integer array, and each of the element of the array represents the updated count for respective update statement.
boolean DatabaseMetaData.supportsBatchUpdates() throws SQLException If the target database facilitates the batch update processing, then the method returns true.
void clearBatch() The method removes all the statements that one has added using the addBatch() method.

Example of batch processing in JDBC

Let’s see the simple example of batch processing in JDBC. It follows following steps:

  • Load the driver class
  • Create Connection
  • Create Statement
  • Add query in the batch
  • Execute Batch
  • Close Connection

FileName: FetchRecords.java

If you see the table user420, two records have been added.

Example of batch processing using PreparedStatement

FileName: BP.java


enter id  101  enter name  Manoj Kumar  enter salary  10000  Want to add more records y/n  y  enter id  101  enter name  Harish Singh  enter salary  15000  Want to add more records y/n  y  enter id  103  enter name  Rohit Anuragi  enter salary  30000  Want to add more records y/n  y  enter id  104  enter name  Amrit Gautam  enter salary  40000  Want to add more records y/n  n  record successfully saved  

It will add the queries into the batch until user press n. Finally, it executes the batch. Thus, all the added queries will be fired.

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