Home » C++ set rend() Function

C++ set rend() Function

by Online Tutorials Library

C++ set rend()

C++ set rend() function is used to return an iterator to the end of the set (not the last element but the past last element) in reverse order. This is similar to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed container.

Note:- This is a placeholder. No element exists in this location and attempting to access is undefined behavior.




Return value

It returns a reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed container.



Iterator validity

No changes.

Data Races

The container is accessed. Neither the const nor the non-const versions modify the container.

Concurrently accessing the elements of a set is safe.

Exception Safety

This function never throws exception.

Example 1

Let’s see the simple example for rend() function:


Elements are : 50 40 30 20 10  

In the above example, rend() function is used to return a reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed container.

Because set stores the elements in sorted order of keys therefore, iterating over a set will result in above order i.e. sorted order of keys.

Example 2

Let’s see a simple example to iterate over the set in reverse order using while loop:


ddd  ccc  bbb  aaa  

In the above example, we are using while loop to iterate over the set in reverse order.

Because set stores the elements in sorted order of keys therefore, iterating over a set will result in above order i.e. sorted order of keys.

Example 3

Let’s see a simple example:


The last element in the reversed set is 10.  The set is: 10 20 30 .  The reversed set is: 30 20 10 .  After erase, the last element in the reversed set is 20.  

In the above example, elements of set returned in reverse order.

Example 4

Let’s see a simple example to sort and calculate the highest marks:


Salary  ______________________  5000  4500  3000  2500  1000    Highest salary: 5000  

In the above example, a set emp is implemented where the ID is being stored as value and salary as key. This enables us to take advantage of the auto sorting in sets and lets us to identify the ID of the element with the highest salary.

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