Home » How to change the color of a PNG image using CSS

How to change the color of a PNG image using CSS

by Online Tutorials Library

How to change the color of a PNG image using CSS?

In this article, we will learn how to change the color of the PNG image using CSS with the help of various examples.

A PNG image is a transparent image. We can change the color of PNG image using following CSS styles:

filter: none | blur() | brightness() | contrast() | drop-shadow() | grayscale() | hue-rotate() | invert() | opacity() | saturate() | sepia() | url() | initial | inherit;

The above property is used to set the visual effect of the image. There are many values of the filter property. These values can be used as per the requirement.

Following are the various examples of how to change the color of the PNG image using CSS.

Example 1:


In the above example, we have created an example of how to change the color of a PNG image using CSS. We can change the color of the image using various radio buttons.


Following is the output of this example.

How to change the color of a PNG image using CSS

Example 2:


In the above example, we have created an example of how to change the color of a PNG image using CSS. In this, we applied various filter effects in a PNG image.


After altering the styles in HTML following is the output of this example.

How to change the color of a PNG image using CSS

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