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Java Long class

The Long class generally wraps the primitive type long into an object. An object of Long class contains a field with the type Long.


This class is useful in providing various methods like a method which can be used to convert a double to a String and a method which can be used to convert a String into a double.

Methods Description
bitCount(long i) It returns the number of one bits in two?s compliment binary representation.
byteValue() It returns the value of Long as a byte after the conversion.
compare(long x, long y) It compares the two long values.
compareTo(long another long) It compares two long objects numerically.
compareUnsigned(long x, long y) It compares the two long values keeping the values unsigned.
decode(String nm) It is used to decode a string into Long.
divideUnsigned(long dividend, long divisor) It returns the unsigned quotient for dividing the first argument by the second.
doubleValue() It returns the value of Long as a double after the conversion.
equals(Object obj) It compares the object with the specified object.
floatValue() It returns the float type value for the given Long object.
getLong(String nm) It determines the long value for the specified name.
getLong(String nm, Long val) It returns the long value for the specified name.
hashCode() It returns the hash code for the given Long object.
hashCode(Long value) It returns the hash code for the given Long value.
highestOneBit(long i) It returns a long value with at most one single bit in the highest order.
intValue() It returns the value of Long as an int after the conversion.
longValue() It returns the value of Long as a long after the conversion.
lowestOneBit(long i) It returns a long value with at most one single bit in the lowest order.
max(long a, long b) It returns the greater of the two long values.
min(long a, long b) It returns the smaller of the two long values.
numberOfLeadingZeroes(long i) It returns the total number of zero bytes in the highest order.
numberOfTrailingZeroes(long i) It returns the total number of zero bytes in the lowest order.
parseLong(CharSequence s, int beginIndex, int endIndex, int radix) It parses the CharSequence arguementwith a specified long in the given index
parseLong(String s) It parses the string parameter as a signed decimal long.
parseLong(String s, int radix) It parses the string argument as a signed long as given in the radix.
parseUnsignedLong(CharSequence s, int beginIndex, int ndIndex, int radix) It parses the given CharSequence argument as an unsigned long in the given radix beginning from beginIndex and ending till endIndex-1.
parseUnsignedLong(String s) It parses the given string argument as an unsigned long.
parseUnsignedLong(String s, int radix) It parses the given string argument as an unsigned long in the index specified by the second argument.
remainderUnsigned(long dividend, long divisor) It returns the unsigned remainder from dividing the first argument with the second argument.
reverse(long i) It returns the value obtained by the reversing the given order of bits in 2?s complement binary representation.
reverseBytes(long i) It returns the value obtained by the reversing the given order of bits in 2?s complement representation.
rotateLeft(long i, int distance) It returns the value obtained by rotating the 2?s complement binary representation of the given long value by left and by the specified number of bits.
rotateRight(long i, int distance) It returns the value obtained by rotating the 2?s complement binary representation of the given long value by right and by the specified number of bits.
shortValue() It returns the short type value for the given Long object.
signum(long i) It returns the signum function for the given long value.
sum(long a, long b) It adds two long values as per the + operator.
toBinaryString(long i) It returns the string representation for the given long argument as an unsigned argument with base 2.
toHexString(long i) It returns the string representation for the given long argument as an unsigned argument with base 16.
toOctalString(long i) It returns the string representation for the given long argument as an unsigned argument with base 8.
toString() It returns the string which represents the long value.
toString(long i) It returns the string which represents the specified long.
toString(long i, int radix) It returns the string representation for the first argument which is specified by the second argument.
toUnsignedString(long i) It returns the string representation for the argument as an unsigned decimal value.
toUnsignedString(long i, int radix) It returns the string representation for the first argument as an unsigned integer value in the radix.
valueOf(l) It returns a long instance which represents the specified value.
valueOf(String s) It returns a long instance which holds the value of specified string.
valueOf(String s int radix) It returns the Long object which holds the value of specified string when parsed with the radix provided by the second argument

Example 1

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67 is smaller than 98  The hashcode for the value '67' is given as :67  The short value for '98' is given as : 6  

Example 2

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The sum of '45' and '67' 'is given as :112  The reverse value for'12' is given as :3458764513820540928  The string representation for '67' is given as : 67  
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