Home » Java String lastIndexOf() method

Java String lastIndexOf() method

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Java String lastIndexOf()

The Java String class lastIndexOf() method returns the last index of the given character value or substring. If it is not found, it returns -1. The index counter starts from zero.


There are four types of lastIndexOf() method in Java. The signature of the methods are given below:

No. Method Description
1 int lastIndexOf(int ch) It returns last index position for the given char value
2 int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) It returns last index position for the given char value and from index
3 int lastIndexOf(String substring) It returns last index position for the given substring
4 int lastIndexOf(String substring, int fromIndex) It returns last index position for the given substring and from index


ch: char value i.e. a single character e.g. ‘a’

fromIndex: index position from where index of the char value or substring is retured

substring: substring to be searched in this string


last index of the string

Internal Implementation

The internal implementation of the four types of the lastIndexOf() method is mentioned below.

The internal implementation of the four types of the lastIndexOf() method is mentioned below.

1. int lastIndexOf(int ch)

2. int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex)

3. int lastIndexOf(String subString)

4. int lastIndexOf(String substring, int fromIndex)

Java String lastIndexOf() method example

FileName: LastIndexOfExample.java

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Java String lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) Method Example

Here, we are finding the last index from the string by specifying fromIndex.

FileName: LastIndexOfExample2.java

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Java String lastIndexOf(String substring) Method Example

It returns the last index of the substring.

FileName: LastIndexOfExample3.java

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Java String lastIndexOf(String substring, int fromIndex) Method Example

It returns the last index of the substring from the fromIndex.

FileName: LastIndexOfExample4.java

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