Home » JavaScript Number toExponential() Method

JavaScript Number toExponential() Method

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JavaScript Number toExponential method

The JavaScript number toExponential() method converts the given number into an exponential notation and returns it in the form of string.


The toExponential() method is represented by the following syntax:


num – It is optional. It represents an integer that specify the digits to be placed after decimal point.


A string that represents exponential notation of the given number.

JavaScript Number toExponential method example

Here, we will understand toExponential() method through various examples.

Example 1

Let’s see a simple example of toExponential() method.

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Example 2

In this example, we will pass an integer that specify the digits to be placed after decimal point.

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9.90e+5  9.8972e+5  9.897210e+5  

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