Home » JavaScript Set entries() Method

JavaScript Set entries() Method

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JavaScript Set entries() method

The JavaScript Set entries() method returns an object of new set iterator. This object contains an array of [value, value] for each element. It maintains an insertion order.

Unlike Map, the Set object doesn’t use key externally. To keep the values unique it uses the key internally. Thus, Set considers the value of element as a key. In array[value, value], the first value represents the key whereas the second value represents the value of element.


The entries() method is represented by the following syntax:

Return Value

A new object of set iterator that contains an array of [value, value] for each element.

JavaScript Set entries() method example

Here, we will understand entries() method through various examples.

Example 1

Let’s see a simple example of entries() method.

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Example 2

Let’s see the same example in a different way.

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