Home » JavaScript typeof operator

JavaScript typeof operator

by Online Tutorials Library

JavaScript typeof operator

The JavaScript typeof operator is used to return a string that represents the type of JavaScript for a given value. It returns the data type of the operand in the form of a string. The operand can be a literal or a data structure like a function, an object, or a variable.


There are following two ways of using the typeof operator.


operand: It is an expression that represents the object or primitive whose type is to be returned.

The possible return values of the typeof operator are tabulated as follows:

Type of the operand Result
object “object”
number “number”
string “string”
boolean “boolean”
function “function”
undefined “undefined”

Let’s understand this operator by using some examples.


In this example, the operands are of number type. The typeof operator will print the “number” as the type of the operand, whether the operand is a negative interger, floating-point number, infinity, NaN, zero, or any integer.

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After the execution of the above code, the output will be –

number  number  number  number  number  number  


In this example, the operands are of string type. The typeof operator will print the “string” as the type of the operand, whether the operand is an empty string, collection of characters, number written in quotes.

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After the execution of the above code, the output will be –

string  string  string  string  string  


In this example, the operands are of Boolean type. The typeof operator will print the “boolean”, as the type of the operand, if the operand is true, or false.

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After the execution of the above code, the output will be –

boolean  boolean  boolean  


In this example, the operands are of undefined type. The typeof operator will print the “undefined” as the type of the operand. Here, the type of Null is undefined, it is because it is written as Null instead of null. If we write it as null, the type of it will be object.

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After the execution of the above code, the output will be –

undefined  undefined  undefined  


In this example, the operands are of Object and Function type. The typeof operator will print the “object” and “function”, according to the type of the operand.

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After the execution of the above code, the output will be –

object  object  object  object  function  function  

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