Home » JFreeChart TimeSeriesCollection

JFreeChart TimeSeriesCollection

by Online Tutorials Library


  • TimeSeriesCollection class comes under the org.jfree.data.time package of the JFreeChart library.
  • This class is a collection of time series objects.


constructor Description
TimeSeriesCollection( ) It constructs an empty dataset, tied to the default time zone.
TimeSeriesCollection(TimeSeries series) It constructs a dataset containing a single series (more can be added), tied to the default time zone.
TimeSeriesCollection(TimeSeries series, java.util.TimeZone zone) It constructs a dataset containing a single series (more can be added), tied to a specific time zone.
TimeSeriesCollection(java.util.TimeZone zone) It constructs an empty dataset, tied to a specific time zone.

Method Summary

Method Description
addSeries(TimeSeries series) This method adds a series to the collection and sends a DatasetChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval) This method returns the range of the values in this dataset’s domain.
getEndX(int series, int item) This method returns the ending X value for the specified series and item.
getEndY(int series, int item) This method returns the ending Y value for the specified series and item.
clone( ) This method returns a clone of this time series collection.

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