Home » JFreeChart XYSeriesCollection Class

JFreeChart XYSeriesCollection Class

by Online Tutorials Library

XYSeriesCollection Class

  • XYSeriesCollection class comes under the org.jfree.data.xy package of JFreeChart library.
  • This class represents a collection of XYSeries objects that can be used as a dataset.


constructor Description
XYSeriesCollection( ) It constructs an empty dataset.
XYSeriesCollection(XYSeries xyseries) It constructs a dataset and populates it with a single series.

Method Summary

Method Description
addSeries(XYSeries series) This method adds a series to the collection and sends a DatasetChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
equals(Object obj) This method tests this collection for equality with an arbitrary object.
getSeries( ) This method returns a list of all the series in the collection.
getSeries(int series) This method returns a series from the collection.
getSeriesCount( ) This method returns the number of series in the collection.
removeAllSeries( ) This method removes all the series from the collection and sends a DatasetChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
removeSeries(int series) This method removes a series from the collection and sends a DatasetChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
removeSeries(XYSeries series) This method removes a series from the collection and sends a DatasetChangeEvent to all registered listeners.

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