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JPA JPQL Advanced Operations

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JPA JPQL Advanced Operations

Using JPQL, we can perform any type of database operations. Here, we will perform some advanced operations of JPQL using simple examples.

Let us consider the student table having the following records.

JPA JPQL Advanced Operations

JPQL Advanced Query Examples

In this example, we will take a basic entity class (in this case StudentEntity.java) and perform different operations on it.

  • Create an entity class named as StudentEntity.java under com.tutoraspire.jpa package.


  • Now, map the entity class and other databases confiuguration in Persistence.xml file.


  • Now, we can perform any of the following operations on StudentEntity.java class.

JPQL Filter

Here, we will perform some filter operations on a table.



JPA JPQL Advanced Operations

JPQL Aggregate

Here, we will perform some aggregate operations on a table.



JPA JPQL Advanced Operations

JPQL Sorting

Here, we will sort the elements of table on the basis of s_age attribute.



JPA JPQL Advanced Operations

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