Home » JPA JPQL Bulk Data Operations

JPA JPQL Bulk Data Operations

by Online Tutorials Library

JPA JPQL Bulk Data Operations

In the previous section, we fetched single column only. Now, we will learn how to handle bulk data and perform corresponding operations.

JPQL Bulk Data Example

In this example, we will take a basic entity class (in this case StudentEntity.java) and perform different operations on it.

  • Create an entity class named as StudentEntity.java under com.tutoraspire.jpa package.


  • Now, map the entity class and other databases confiuguration in Persistence.xml file.


  • Now, we can perform any of the following operations on StudentEntity.java class.

JPQL Fetch

Here, we will fetch all the records from the database.



JPA JPQL Bulk Data Operations

JPQL Update

Here, we will update the records in database.



After the execution of the program, the following student table generates under MySQL workbench. To fetch data, run select * from student in MySQL.

JPA JPQL Bulk Data Operations

JPQL Delete

Here, we will delete the particular records from database.



After the execution of the program, the following student table generates under MySQL workbench. To fetch data, run select * from student in MySQL.

JPA JPQL Bulk Data Operations

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