Home » JPA Set Mapping

JPA Set Mapping

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JPA Set Mapping

A Set is an interface that contains unique elements. These elements don’t maintain any order. A Set can be used when there is a requirement of retrieving unique elements in an unordered manner.

Set Mapping Example

In this example, we embed an object in an entity class and define it as a collection type List.

This example contains the following steps: –

  • Create an entity class Employee.java under com.tutoraspire.jpa package that contains employee id, name and embedded object (employee Address). The annotation @ElementCollection represents the embedded object.


  • Now, create a class of embedded object Address.java under com.tutoraspire.jpa package. The annotation @Embeddable represents the embeddable object.


  • Now, map the entity class and other databases confiuguration in Persistence.xml file.


  • Create a persistence class ListMapping.java under com.tutoraspire.collection package to persist the entity object with data.



After the execution of the program, the following tables are generated under MySQL workbench.

  • Employee table – This table contains the employee details. To fetch data, run select * from employee query in MySQL.

JPA Set Mapping

  • Employee_address table – This table represents the mapping between employee and address table. The data in the table is arranged in an unordered manner.To fetch data, run select * from employee_address query in MySQL.

JPA Set Mapping

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