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JSF UI Components

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JSF User Interface Component Model

JavaServer Faces provides rich set of components library to define the architecture of application.

It includes the following:

Rich set of classes for specifying the state and behavior of user interface components.

  • A rendering model that defines how to render the components in various ways.
  • A conversion model that defines how to register data converters onto a component.
  • An event and listener model that defines how to handle component events.
  • A validation model that defines how to register validators onto a component.

JSF User Interface Components

JavaServer Faces HTML tag library represents HTML form components and other basic HTML elements, which are used to display or accept data from the user. A JSF form send this data to the server after submitting the form.

The following table contains the user interface components.

Tag Functions Rendered As Appearance
h:inputText It allows a user to input a string. An HTML <input type=”text”> element A field
h:outputText It displays a line of text. Plain text Plain text
h:form It represents an input form. An HTML <form> element No appearance
h:commandButton It submits a form to the application. An HTML <input type=value> element for which the type value can be “submit”, “reset”, or “image” A button
h:inputSecret It allows a user to input a string without the actual string appearing in the field. An HTML <input type=”password”> element A field that displays a row of characters instead of the actual string entered.
h:inputTextarea It allows a user to enter a multiline string. An HTML <textarea> element A multirow field
h:commandLink It links to another page or location on a page. An HTML <a href> element A link
h:inputSecret It allows a user to input a string without the actual string appearing in the field. An HTML <input type=”password”> element A field that displays a row of characters instead of the actual string entered.
h:inputHidden It allows a page author to include a hidden variable in a page. An HTML <input type=”hidden”> element No appearance
h:inputFile It allows a user to upload a file. An HTML <input type=”file”> element A field with a Browse button
h:graphicImage It displays an image. An HTML <img> element An image
h:dataTable It represents a data wrapper. An HTML <table> element A table that can be updated dynamically.
h:message It displays a localized message. An HTML <span> tag if styles are used A text string
h:messages It displays localized messages. A set of HTML <span> tags if styles are used A text string
h:outputFormat It displays a formatted message. Plain text Plain text
h:outputLabel It displays a nested component as a label for a specified input field. An HTML <label> element Plain text
h:outputLink It links to another page or location on a page without generating an action event. An HTML <a> element A link
h:panelGrid It displays a table. An HTML <table> element with <tr> and <td> elements A table
h:panelGroup It groups a set of components under one parent. A HTML <div> or <span> element A row in a table
h:selectBooleanCheckbox It allows a user to change the value of a Boolean choice. An HTML <input type=”checkbox”> element A check box
h:selectManyCheckbox It displays a set of check boxes from which the user can select multiple values. A set of HTML <input> elements of type checkbox A group of check boxes
h:selectManyListbox It allows a user to select multiple items from a set of items all displayed at once. An HTML <select> element A box
h:selectManyMenu It allows a user to select multiple items from a set of items. An HTML <select> element A menu
h:selectOneListbox It allows a user to select one item from a set of items all displayed at once. An HTML <select> element A box
h:selectOneMenu It allows a user to select one item from a set of items. An HTML <select> element A menu
h:selectOneRadio It allows a user to select one item from a set of items. An HTML <input type=”radio”> element A group of options
h:column It represents a column of data in a data component. A column of data in an HTML table A column in a table
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