Home » Less mix() function

Less mix() function

by Online Tutorials Library

Less mix()

The Less mix color operation is used to mix the two colors along with opacity. The parameters used for mix color operation are:

  • color1: It is used to specify a color object.
  • color2: It is also used to a color object.
  • weight: It is an optional parameter that is used to specify weight of the element by providing percentage balance point between the two colors.

Mix Function Example

Let’s take an example to demonstrate the usage of mix color operation in Less file.

Create a HTML file named “simple.html”, having the following data.

HTML file: simple.html

Now create a file named “simple.less”. It is similar to CSS file. The only one difference is that it is saved with “.less” extension.

LESS file: simple.less

Put the both file “simple.html” and “simple.less” inside the root folder of Node.js

Now, execute the following code: lessc simple.less simple.css

Less mix function1

This will compile the “simple.less” file. A CSS file named “simple.css” will be generated.

For example:

Less mix function2

The generated CSS “simple.css”, has the following code:


Less mix function3

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