Home » MongoDB $sqrt Operator

MongoDB $sqrt Operator

by Online Tutorials Library

MongoDB $sqrt Operator

What is the $sqrt operator in MongoDB?

MongoDB provides a variety of arithmetic expression operators. The $sqrt operator is one of those arithmetic expression operators. The $sqrt operator is used to calculate the square root of a positive number, and it returns the output as a double. This operator is also used in the aggregation pipeline stages.

Syntax of the $sqrt operator:

The < number > can be any valid number as long as it resolves for a non-negative number.

Important point:

  1. If the number refers to a missing field or null, the $sqrt operator returns the null.
  2. If the number is NaN, the $sqrt operator returns NaN.
S.No Example Output
1. { $sqrt: 4 } 2
2. { $sqrt: 15 } 3.872983346207417
3. { $sqrt: -2 } Error
4. { $sqrt: null} Null


Suppose we have a collection of items with the following documents.

>db.items.find().pretty()  {          {           "_id" : 1,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 4          }          {           "_id" : 2,            "item_name" : "ball",           "quantity" : null          }          {           "_id" : 3,            "item_name" : "box",           "details" : {                              "length" : 20,                             "width" : 25                            }          }          {           "_id" : 4,            "item_name" : "ball",           "quantity" : null          }          {           "_id" : 5,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 20          }          {           "_id" : 6,            "item_name" : "toy",           "quantity" : -10          }          {           "_id" : 7,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 75          }          {           "_id" : 8,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 45          }  }  

Example 1: Using $sqrt operator to finding the square root of any field

In this example, we are using the $sqrt operator to find the square root of the “quantity” field.


{           "_id" : 1,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 4,           "result" : 2  }  {           "_id" : 5,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 20,           "result" : 4.472135954999579  }  {           "_id" : 7,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 75,           "result" : 8.660254037844386  }  {           "_id" : 8,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 45,           "result" : 6.708203932499369  }  

Example 2: Negative values of the field

The $sqrt operator only supports positive numbers that must be greater than or equal to 0. If the value of the argument is negative, it gives an error. Let’s apply the $sqrt operator against the toy documents.


uncaught exception: Error: command failed: {  "ok": 0,  "errmsg": "$sqrt's argument must be greater than or equal to 0",  "code": 28714,  "codeName": "Location28714"  } : aggregate failed:  [email protected]/mongo/shell/utils.js : 25 : 13  [email protected]/mongo/shell/assert.js : 18 : 14  [email protected]/mongo/shell/assert.js : 618 : 17  [email protected]/mongo/shell/assert.js : 708 : 16  [email protected]/mongo/shell/db.js : 266 :5  [email protected]/mongo/shell/collection.js : 1046 : 12  @(shell) : 1 : 1  

Example 3: Null values of the field

If the field value is null, the $sqrt operator returns the null. Let’s apply the $sqrt operator against the ball documents.


{           "_id" : 2,            "item_name" : "ball",           "quantity" : null,           "result" : null  }  {           "_id" : 4,            "item_name" : "ball",           "quantity" : null,           "result" : null  }  

Example 4: Non-existent Fields

If the argument refers to a missing field, the $sqrt operator returns the null. In this example, we are using the $sqrt operator to find the square root of the “price” field.


{           "_id" : 5,            "item_name" : "bat",           "quantity" : 20,           "result" : null  }  

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