Home » Primefaces Knob

PrimeFaces Knob

It is an input component which is used to get numeric value. It is used to get user input in a specified range. PrimeFaces provides <p:knob> component which is used to create a graphical circle. We can select any numeric value from that. It also provides various attributes that are tabled below.

Knob Attributes

Attribute Default value Type Description
Value null Object It is used to set value of the component.
required false Boolean It is used to mark component as required.
min 0 Integer It represents min valid value of the component.
max 100 Integer It is used to set max valid value of the component.
step 1 Integer It is used t to set Increment/decrement step of the component.
thickness null Float It is used to set thickness of the bar.
width auto String It is used to set width of the component.
height auto String It is used to set height of the component.
foregroundColor null Object It is used to set foreground color of the component.
backgroundColor null Object It is used to set background color of the component.
colorTheme null String It is used to set theme of the knob.
disabled false Boolean It disables the input element.
showLabel true Boolean It is used to hide/show the label.
cursor false Boolean When set true to show only a cursor instead of the full bar.
labelTemplate {value} String Template of the progress value.


Here, in the following example, we are implementing <p:knob> component. This example contains the following files.

JSF File

// knob.xhtml


// Knob.java


PrimeFaces Knob 1
PrimeFaces Knob 2

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