Home » Program to print the sum of digits without using modulus

Program to print the sum of digits without using modulus

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Program to print the sum of digits without using modulus

In this program, we have to add the digits of the entry number without the logic of using modulus(%).


149: the sum of its digits (1, 4, 9) is 14.

Go through the algorithm to code for this program:


  • STEP 2: ENTER n as a string
  • STEP 3: SET sum =0
  • STEP 4: SET i = 0
  • STEP 4: REPEAT STEP 5 and 6 UNTIL (i<length(n))
  • STEP 5: sum =sum + n[i]
  • STEP 6: sum = sum – 48
  • STEP 7: i = i+1
  • STEP 7: PRINT sum
  • STEP 8: END

Java Program


Enter the number?  345  sum of digits: 12  

C Program

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