Home » Python hash() function with Examples

Python hash() function with Examples

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Python hash() Function

Python has() function is used to get the hash value of an object. Python calculates the hash value by using the hash algorithm. The hash values are integers an used to compare dictionary keys during a dictionary lookup. We can hash only these types:

Hashable types: * bool * int * long * float * string * Unicode * tuple * code object

We cannot hash of these types:

Non-hashable types: * bytearray * list * set * dictionary * memoryview



object: The object of which hash, we want to get. Only immutable types can be hashed.


It returns the hash value of an object.

Let’s see some examples of hash() function to understand it’s functionality.

Python hash() Function Example 1

Here, we are getting hash values of integer and float values. See the below example.


21  461168601842737174  

Python hash() Function Example 2

This function can be applied to the iterable values to get hash values.


-3147983207067150749  2528502973955190484  

Python hash() Function Example 3


TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'  

Python hash() Function Example 4

Here, we are passing a new custom object to the function. The function returns the hash of this object.



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