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Sql Server Comparison Operator

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SQL Server Comparison Operator

In SQL Server, the comparison operators are used to test for equality and inequality. These operators are used in the WHERE clause to determine which records to select.

Following is a list of the SQL Server comparison operators:

Index Comparison Operator Description
1) = It specifies equal symbol.
2) <> It specifies not equal symbol.
3) != It specifies not equal symbol.
4) > It specifies greater than symbol.
5) >= It specifies greater than or equal symbol.
6) < It specifies less than symbol.
7) <= It specifies less than or equal symbol.
8) !> It specifies not greater than symbol.
9) !< It specifies not less than symbol.
10) IN ( ) It matches a value in a list.
11) NOT It is used to negate a condition.
12) BETWEEN It is used to specify within a range (inclusive) value.
13) IS NULL It specifies null value.
14) IS NOT NULL It specifies non-null value.
15) LIKE It specifies pattern matching with % and _
16) EXISTS It specifies that the condition is met if subquery returns at least one row.

Equality Operator

In SQL Server database, Equality Operator “=” is used to test for equality in a query.


We have a table named “Employees”, having the following data:

SQL Comparison operators 1

Use the following query to select the specific data where “name” = “Lily”:


SQL Comparison operators 2

Inequality Operator

In SQL Server, inequality operators “<> or !=” are used to test for inequality in a query.


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Greater Than Operator

Greater Than “>” Operator is used to test for an expression that it is “greater than”.


Let’s select employees from the table “Employees” where salary > 15000.


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Greater Than or Equal Operator

Greater Than or Equal “>=” Operator is used to test for an expression that it is “greater than or equal to”.


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Less than Operator

Less Than “<” Operator is used to test for an expression that it is “less than” the other one.


Select all employees from the table “Employees” where salary is < 20000.


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Less Than or Equal Operator

Less Than or Equal “<=” Operator is used to test for an expression that it is “less than or equal to” the other one.


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