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Logical Reasoning | Statement and Assumption 2

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Statement and Assumption 2

6) Statement: Detergents should be used to wash clothes.


I. Detergents form more lather.
II. Detergents dislodge grease, stains, and dirt more easily.

  1. Only I is implicit
  2. Only II is implicit
  3. Either I or II is implicit
  4. Neither I nor II is implicit
  5. Both I and II are implicit

Answer: B


Detergents are made to wash clothes as they remove stains easily. So, II is implicit. Soaps may form more lather, so I is not implicit.

7) Statement: The government has allowed unaided schools to increase their fees.


I. Unaided schools have less money to improve their infrastructure
II. Aided schools do not need to increase their fees.

  1. Only I is implicit
  2. Only II is implicit
  3. Either I or II is implicit
  4. Neither I nor II is implicit
  5. Both I and II are implicit

Answer: A


The poor infrastructure can be improved with money, so I is implicit. The statement does not talk about aided schools, so II is not implicit.

8) Statement: Be humble even after you won a game!


I. People are generally humble after being victorious.
II. People are generally not humble after being victorious.

  1. Only I is implicit
  2. Only II is implicit
  3. Either I or II is implicit
  4. Neither I nor II is implicit
  5. Both I and II are implicit

Answer: B


The statement does not provide information about the nature of the people. So, I is not implicit. It suggests being humble after being victorious, which shows that people are generally not humble after winning a game. So, II is implicit.

9) Statement: Of all newspapers published in Delhi, the readership of the “Express” is the largest in the Metropolis.


I. This paper is not popular in small towns.
II. “Express” has the popular feature of cartoons on political issues.

  1. Only I is implicit
  2. Only II is implicit
  3. Either I or II is implicit
  4. Neither I nor II is implicit
  5. Both I and II are implicit

Answer: D


The statement does not provide information about the volume of the readership of the “Express” in areas other than the Metropolis and also has not mentioned the reason for its huge popularity. So, neither I nor II is implicit.

10) Statement: Ram’s investment in the shares of a company is only a gamble.


I. Ram may incur the loss on his investment.
II. Ram may gain from his investment.

  1. Only I is implicit
  2. Only II is implicit
  3. Either I or II is implicit
  4. Neither I nor II is implicit
  5. Both I and II are implicit

Answer: C


Ram may either gain or lose in the deal. Both can’t happen together, so either I or II is implicit.

Statement and Assumption 1
Statement and Assumption 3
Statement and Assumption 4

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