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What is the full form of BBC

BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation

BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation. It is one of the largest broadcasting networks in the world. It is a publicly financed system that operates under the royal charter. Its headquarters is in Broadcasting House, London. In Great Britain, it held a monopoly on television until 1954 and on radio until 1972.

The public services offered by BBC include publications, radio and television broadcasts. The major portion of its revenue comes from the Broadcasting News Channel “BBC News”. Its news channel is quite popular across the world and is broadcasted in almost all countries of the world such as India, China, USA, UK, Brazil, France, Italy and Australia.

Most of its programs focus on global news and events. These programs are translated into various other languages so that they could be broadcasted in other countries of the world.

BBC full form

Brief History

  • BBC was founded by John Reith and George Villiers in October 1922 and on 14 November 1922, it broadcasted its first daily broadcast from Marconi’s studio in London.
  • In 1927, BBC got the Royal Charter and its name was changed from British Broadcasting Company to British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • In November 1936, BBC started the television service at Alexandra Palace in London.
  • During World War II it had to close the television services and it continued to inform and entertain on radio.
  • In 1953, it broadcasted the Queen?s coronation. This event was watched by around 22 million people. This broadcast made people keener to have televisions which increased the sales of televisions.
  • In June 1960, BBC opened its new Television Centre in West London which later became the headquarters of BBC.
  • In 1997, BBC launched BBC online (bbc.co.uk) which became one of the most trusted websites of the world.
  • In 2007, a ten-year charter was negotiated with government and the BBC trust became the governing body of BBC and it started expanding its online services.
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