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Android Easter Egg

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Android Easter Egg

The Easter egg is a hidden feature in the Android operating system, which can be accessed by performing some specific steps in the settings menu. Every Android device comes with this hidden feature. The process of unlocking this feature is mostly similar to the recent version of Android. The Easter egg has been included since Android version 2.3 (Gingerbread).

You can access this feature under the Android version number in your device settings (may vary from device to device). However, it is mostly found under Settings > System > About phone. You can also search “Android Version” in the Settings screen. Once you find the Android version number, tap it continuously, and the Easter egg feature will be invoked.

In this article, you will learn the quick list of every Easter egg and how you will access each of them.

Android 10 Easter egg (formally termed as Android Q)

The step to enable Easter egg in Android 10 (which was formally termed as Android Q) is the same as other Android versions. The Easter egg is available in a black and gray screen says “Android 10” in white latter.

  1. Go to device Settings > About phone> Android version.
  2. Click on the Android version, and it will open another screen, now, continuously tap on Android Build Number until the Android 10 logo page appears.
  3. If you tap on the logo, it rotates, presses and holds, and starts it to spin.
  4. Rotate the logo and drag “1” into the “0” to make a “Q” logo. When the 1 and 0 are placed at the right place to form Q, tap on the Q logo.
  5. Tapping on the Q logo for few times, you will be taken to the nanogram game.

Android Easter Egg

Android Pie (9.0) Easter egg

The Android Pie (P) Easter egg is accessed in the same way as other Android versions.

  1. Go to device Settings > About phone> Android version.
  2. Click on the Android version to open that screen; now, repeatedly tap on Android Build Number until the brightly colored P logo appears.
  3. Now, tap and long-press the P logo several times continuously until a drawing app appears.

In this drawing screen, you can change the brush size and color and get a dropper tool to draw some stuff and enjoy a bit of fun.

Android Easter Egg

Android Oreo (8.0) Easter egg

The first two steps to enable Easter egg on Android Oreo are the same as on another Android version.

  1. Go to device Settings > About phone> Android version.
  2. Click on the Android version to open that screen; now, repeatedly tap on Android Build Number until the Android O logo appears.
  3. Continuously tap on O for few times after that press and hold, the screen switches to an ocean setting with a black octopus onscreen. You can now drag this octopus around the screen and watch it floating.

Android Easter Egg

Android Nougat (7.0) Easter egg

You can get Easter egg on Nougat in the same way as Oreo. However, its Easter egg is more entertaining. Activate this feature by following ways:

  1. Go to device Settings > About phone> Android version.
  2. Now, repeatedly tap on the Android version tab until the N logo appears on the screen.

Drop down from the top of the screen to visit your quick settings panel and click on EDIT. Here, you will see a cat face icon with the title “Android Easter egg“. Drag and drop this icon to the main quick setting panel. Tap on the Easter egg icon to start your fun activity. This Easter egg feature enables a game called Android Neko, which is based on a kitten. Tap it, and you will see four different types of food: bits, fish, chicken, and treat; select anyone to feed a cat.

Android Easter Egg

Android Marshmallow (6.0) Easter egg

To access the Easter egg on Android 6.0, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to device Settings > Android phone> Android version.
  2. Now, repeatedly tap on the Android version until the Marshmallow logo M appears on the screen.
  3. Press and hold the logo one more time to start the Flappy Bird

In the Flappy Bird game, you can fly through sticks with marshmallows. It also allows joining multiple people to play at the same time. Clicking on the small “+” button allows up to six people to play simultaneously.

Android Easter Egg

Android Lollipop (5.0) Easter egg

Android Lollipop’s Easter egg was mostly the same as the Android Marshmallow Easter egg in terms of concept, graphics and mini-game. To access the Easter egg on Android Lollipop, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to device Settings > Android phone> Android version.
  2. Now, repeatedly tap on the Android version until the Lollipop logo appears on the screen.

You will get the first Easter egg with the word “lollipop” printed on it. Now, tap on the lollipop to change the color of the candy. Finally, long-press the Lollipop logo to start the game.

Android Easter Egg

Android KitKat (4.4) Easter egg

Android KitKat was the first version which has the Android’s first three-stage Easter egg fun activity. In the first stage, you will see a nondescript K logo that you can spin. In the second stage, a red color Android logo appears on the screen. Finally, tap and long-press the red Android logo multiple times until the tiles bunch appears on the screen. Tap on these tiles and watch them moving randomly around the board. To enable Easter egg on KitKat, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to device Settings > Android phone> Android version.
  2. Now, repeatedly tap on the Android version until the Easter egg appears on the screen.

Android Easter Egg

Android Jelly Bean (4.1-4.3) Easter egg

Android Jelly Bean has another version that also has a two-stage Easter egg. In the first stage, you will see a colorful jelly bean graphic that appears on the screen. When you tap on the jelly bean, a cute little smiley face is added in the second stage. Long-pressing the jelly bean brings you to a screen to start a mini-game. To enable Easter egg on Jelly Bean, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to device Settings > Android phone> Android version.
  2. Now, repeatedly tap on the Android version until the Easter egg appears on the screen.

Android Easter Egg

Android Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) Easter egg

Android Ice Cream Sandwich was a first multi-stage (two-stage) Easter egg that can be enabled in the same way as other Android versions. To enable Easter egg on Ice Cream Sandwich, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to device Settings > Android phone> Android version.
  2. Now, repeatedly tap on the Android version until the Easter egg appears on the screen.

The initial stage of Easter egg in this version appears in the form of bugdroid with a tasty ice cream sandwich for a body. Continuously tapping on the bugdroid makes it bigger and fills the screen. You will see your phone goes filled with ice cream sandwich bugdroids flying across the screen as a popular Nyan Cat meme.

Android Easter Egg

Android Honeycomb (3.0) Easter egg

Android Honeycomb is the only such a version which was exclusively developed for tablet, and it also looks good over the large screen devices. The Easter egg of this version was inspired by a movie whose name was Tron Legacy. To enable Easter egg on Honeycomb, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to device Settings > Android phone> Android version.
  2. Now, repeatedly tap on the Android version until the Easter egg appears on the screen.

When the Easter egg activated, it shortly toast a “REZZZZZZZ…” message.

Android Easter Egg

Android Gingerbread (2.3) Easter egg

Easter egg in Android has started from version Gingerbread. This Easter egg looks like a bugdroid feature next to the zombie gingerbread man. To enable Easter egg on Gingerbread, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to device Settings > Android phone> Android version.
  2. Now, repeatedly tap on the Android version until the Easter egg appears on the screen.

When your Easter egg gets activated, it displays a toast message.

Android Easter Egg

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