Home » Go Base64 Encoding

Go Base64 Encoding

we can encode String and url in Go. Go has Encoder which takes byte array and convert into string encoding.

The Decoder takes the encoded value and covert it to the original string.

Go Base64 Example


value to be encode  [email protected][email protected]#$%^&*() Encoden value:  SmF2YVRwb2ludEAxMjM0NSFAIyQlXiYqKCk=  Value to be decode  SmF2YVRwb2ludEAxMjM0NSFAIyQlXiYqKCk=Decoded value  [email protected][email protected]#$%^&*()  url to be encode  https://golang.org/ref/spec Encoded url  aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2xhbmcub3JnL3JlZi9zcGVj value to be decode  aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2xhbmcub3JnL3JlZi9zcGVj Decoded value  https://golang.org/ref/spec  Process finished with exit code 0 

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