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Hexadecimal to Decimal in C

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Hexadecimal to Decimal in C

What is Hexadecimal?

The hexadecimal is also known as base-16, it is a number system that uses the 16 symbols to represent a particular value, and these symbols are from (0-9 and A-F).

What is Decimal?

The decimal is the number system that represents both the integer and non-integer numbers. This number system is also known as the base-10 system, and it uses 10 symbols from (0-9) to represent a particular value.

Conversion of Hexadecimal to Binary number

We know that hexadecimal number contains 16 symbols, i.e., 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F where A,B,C,D,E,F represents (10,11,12,13,14,15) values. We can find the decimal number by extracting the digits from a hexadecimal number, and starting from the right-most digit of the number. Each digit of the hexadecimal number is multiplied with the base 16. We will store the result of this multiplication in a particular variable.

Let?s understand through an example.

If the hexadecimal number is 5A, then its decimal value would be:

decimal_value = 5*161 + 10*160
                         = 90

Now, we understand the conversion of hexadecimal number into a decimal number diagrammatically:

Hexadecimal to Decimal in C

In the above diagram, we consider 2AB as a hexadecimal number and calculated its decimal value.

2AB (Hexadecimal value) = 2*162 + 10*161, + 11*160
                                           = 683 (Decimal value)

Let?s understand through the program.

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