Home » Ionic Radio Button

Ionic Radio Button

by Online Tutorials Library

Ionic Radio Button

A radio button is a type of input components which holds the Boolean value. It is similar to HTML radio inputs. The Ionic radio button is styled differently on each platform as like other Ionic components. Radio components are generally used as a set of related options inside of a group, but it can also be used alone. A radio button options can be checked by selecting it or checked programmatically by setting the checked property. It also uses a disabled attribute to disable the user from changing the value.

An <ion-radio-group> component can be used to group a set of radios. It allows you to select at most one radio button from a set. In other words, when the radio group contains many radio options, then only one radio option will be checked at any time. If we select any radio option inside the group, it unchecks the previously selected radio option. If the radio option is not in a group with another radio, then both radio can be checked at the same time.


In the following example, we can see how radio buttons work in the Ionic app.


Ionic Radio Button

Multiple Radio Button group

Sometimes you want to create more than one group of radio buttons. Ionic radio button provides <ion-radio-group> element to create multiple group of radio buttons.


The following example explains how you can create multiple groups of radio buttons. Here, we are also going to see the uses of the checked and disabled property of the radio button.


When you execute the app, the following screen appears. Here, Group1 is CS Subject, where the second item uses checked property and Group2 is Auto Manufactures where the second option uses the disabled property.

Ionic Radio Button

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