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Ionic Toolbar

The toolbar is a generic bar which is used in an app as a header, sub-header, footer, or sub-footer. It is positioned above or below the content. You can add more than one toolbar in your page, and the <ion-content> will adjust it accordingly. When the toolbar is placed inside the <ion-header>, it will be fixed at the top of the content. On the other hand, when it is placed inside the <ion-footer>, it will be fixed at the bottom of the content. If the content is full-screen, it will scroll behind a toolbar in a header or footer. If the toolbar is placed within an <ion-content>, it will scroll with the content.

The Ionic Toolbar contains the following component:

Ionic Header

It is a parent component which holds the toolbar component. The elements must be one of the top three root elements of a page.

Ionic Footer

It is a root component which sits at the bottom of the page. The can be the wrapper of the which makes sure that the content area is sized correctly.

Ionic Title

It is a component which sets the title of the toolbar.

Ionic Buttons

It is a container element, which can be placed inside of the toolbar using an attribute named slot. The slot can contain start and end properties.

Ionic back buttons

The back button is used to navigate back in the app’s history upon click. It is smart in knowing what to render based on the mode and when to show content based on the navigation stack.


This example shows you the use of header and footer in the toolbar.


Ionic Toolbar


This example shows you the use of inside element.


Ionic Toolbar


This example shows you the use of and element with element.


Ionic Toolbar

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