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Kotlin ArrayList: arrayListOf()

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Kotlin ArrayList: arrayListOf()

An arrayListOf() is a function of ArrayList class. ArrayList is mutable which means it provides both read am write functionalities. The arrayListOf() function returns an ArrayList type.

Syntax of arrayListOf() function

Function of Kotlin ArrayList

Function Description
open fun add(element: E): Boolean It is used to add the specific element into the collection.
open fun add(index: Int, element: E) It is used to insert an element at specific index.
open fun addAll(elements: Collection<E>): Boolean It is used to add all the elements in the specified collection to current collection.
open fun addAll(index: Int, elements: Collection<E>): Boolean It is used to add all the elements of specified collection into the current list at the specified index.
open fun clear() It is used to removes all elements from the collection.
open fun get(index: Int): E It is used to return the element at specified index in the list.
open fun indexOf(element: E): Int It is used to return the index of first occurrence of specified element in the list or return -1 if the specified element in not present in the list.
open fun lastIndexOf(element: E): Int It is used to return the last occurrence of given element from the list or it returns -1 if the given element is not present in the list.
open fun remove(element: E): Boolean It is used to remove a single instance of the specific element from current collection, if it is available.
open fun removeAt(index: Int): E It is used to remove the specific index element from the list.
open fun removeRange(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) Its remove the range of elements starting from startIndex to endIndex in which endIndex is not includes.
open fun set(index: Int, element: E): E It is used to replaces the element from the specified position from current list with the specified element.
open fun toArray(): Array<Any?> It is used to return new array of type Array<Any?> with the elements of this collection.
open fun toString(): String It is used to returns a string representation of the object.
fun trimToSize() It does nothing in this ArrayList implementation.

Kotlin arrayListOf() Example 1

Let’s create a simple example of arrayListOf() function.


4  7  12  

Kotlin arrayListOf() Example 2

For more specific we can define the generic types of arrayListOf() function such as arrayListOf<Int>(), arrqayListOf<String>(),arrayListOf<Any>(). Let’s see the example.


print int ArrayList  1  2  3    print string ArrayList  Ajay  Vijay  Prakash    print any ArrayList  1  2  3  Ajay  Vijay  Prakash  

Kotlin arrayListOf() Example 3- iterator() function

The elements of ArrayList class is also be traverse using inbuilt iterator() function. For example:


.......print ArrayList.......  Ajay  Vijay  Prakash  

Kotlin arrayListOf() Example 4 – get()

The get() function of arrayListOf() is used to retrieve the element present at specified index. For example:


.......print list.......  Ajay  Vijay  Prakash  Rohan  Vijay  .......list.get(2).......  Prakash  

Kotlin arrayListOf() Example 5 – set()

The set() function of arrayListOf() is used to set the given element at specified index and replace if any element already present at that index. For example:


.......print list.......  Ajay  Vijay  Prakash  .......list.set(2,"Rohan").......  .......print list.......  Ajay  Vijay  Rohan  

Kotlin arrayListOf() Example – add and print Employee data

Let’s create an another example of arrayListOf() function of ArrayList class. In this example we are adding and traversing Employee class data. Here Employee class is bean class which defines the property of Employee.


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