Home » MathML Fractions

MathML Fractions

In MathML, fraction is created by using the <mfrac> tag. The numerator is taken as the first argument, followed by the denominator. This tag is used to display the basic algebra equations on web pages.

For example: To represent

Mathml Fractions 1

Use the following MathML code:

Attributes of Fraction element

There are some useful attributes used with <mfrac> element to control its appearance:

Index Attribute Description
1) linethickness It specifies the stroke width of the fraction bar. Its value should be a length measured in px, pt, em, etc.
2) numalign It specifies the alignment of the numerator. It can be shifted left, right, or center.
3) denomalign It specifies the alignment of the denominator. It can be shifted left, right, or center.
4) bevelled It specifies whether the fraction should be displayed vertically or inline. It can be true or false.

Arranging complex fraction expressions

The above attributes are used to manually arrange the complex expressions.

For example: See the following complex fraction expression:

Mathml Fractions 2

Equivalent MathML code:

Supporting Browsers:

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<mfrac> Not Supported Not Supported Supported Not Supported Only Basic Support

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