Home » Polymer Gold Email Input

Polymer Gold Email Input

by Online Tutorials Library

Polymer Gold Email Input

The polymer gold email input element is a simple text field used to specify email addresses. It is styled in Material design.


The gold-email input element has an optional label, which is “email” by default:


The validate() method is used to validate email addresses manually. It returns true if it is valid otherwise false, if it is not valid. You can use auto-validate and required attributes to make the input to be automatically validated.


Run the following command to install gold-email-input element in your project directory. After that you can use this element in your application:

polymer gold email input

It will install all the related elements of polymer_ gold-email-input under the bower_components folder.

Create an index.html file and add the following code in it to see the usage of gold-email-input element in Polymer.js.


gold email input

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